Friday, February 6, 2015

A Prescription For Produce! Love It!!!!

If you eat like this, your heart and soul will sing! :)
I've been saying (and living) for years...nutrition is the best medicine.  Now, I'm not saying that there aren't times when Western medicine is needed because there absolutely are.  Especially in acute situations.  BUT in general, we need to go back to nature.  Nutrition is what feeds our bodies as well as our mind and souls.  If we don't eat properly then the triad suffers.  Not an isolated element of it. Nothing works in isolation.  NOTHING!  My first response to any health situation is to 1) assess the situation (what's happening on all levels and how is it manifesting in the body) and 2) what can we do nutritionally to alleviate the underlying issue.  Not treat the symptom.  Yes, this approach may take longer because it doesn't involve using potent fast acting drugs.  But it's not only better for your body, it heals your body and it treats the issue not the symptom.  Okay, enough of my rant.  The reason I'm writing this is because I think FINALLY medicine (and doctor's) are starting to believe this.  I think there's a movement or a shift happening where doctor's are going back to our roots and to nature to look for cures or natural nutritional ways to alleviate physical symptoms.  Here's why I say this, I read an article the other day in the Houston Chronicle.  They did a piece on a doctor who is doing just what I said above!  The title of the article was 'Doctor writes prescriptions for produce'.  How freaking awesome is that!!!  I love this guy!  In the article he is quoted saying, "As physicians, we perform surgery or prescribe medications to our patients to make them well," said Davis. "Why not also educate them on healthy eating, and make fresh fruits and vegetables readily available?".  And here's the best quote....

"I think a few other doctors have written prescriptions," continued Davis. "I would like to get more doctors writing the prescriptions. Hippocrates said, 'Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.' Produce is medicine. The vegetables and fruits are an alternative for use in treating diseases."

Did you see that where he said "produce is medicine"???? YES!!!!!! Finally a doctor saying something like this! Something like "this" that we in the holistic nutrition field have known for years.  And by the way, those 'prescription pads' he's referring to in his comment are prescription pads for produce!  Prescriptions for fruits and veggies!!! Words can't describe how awesome this is!!!  I just HAD to share it with you all!!

So the next time you're feeling a little under the weather, have a rash, feel exhausted, etc.  don't look for a pill to take.  Take a good look at your diet and lifestyle.  Change it from within.  Naturally.  And what will follow is a tidal wave of health, vitality, and awareness that you thought didn't exist.  I promise!

XO   Joy

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