Friday, March 13, 2015

We are NOT Human DOINGS!!

So many people live in their head. In their ego. They define themselves and their worth by how much they have; how many friends, how many toys, how many jobs, how many 'things' they have to do. They feel as though, the busier they are...the more important they are. So they keep themselves busy! Over scheduling, over committing, over exaggerating. These are the ones that tend to be the most unhappy and the most disconnected from their heart, soul, and source. Yes we should be go-getters and take care of business but...we're also supposed to just BE. Stop, breathe, listen, and BE.
When you do, you are able to be more efficient in a shorter period of time.

There is a reason why we're called Human BEINGS not Human DOINGS. Just food for thought wink emoticon

XO Joy

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