Saturday, February 28, 2015

Breath and The Ocean

Have you ever noticed how the ocean mimics or reflects the breath?  It's the same exchange.  The same give-and-take...with that pause in between.  The pause in between the inhale and the exhale. Could that be why the ocean is such a special place for so many of us?  It's a primordial place.  A grounding place.  A place where all the chaos and noise of our daily lives somehow don't matter anymore.  While facing the ocean and listening to the earths breath...we instinctively feel what's truly important.  Everything makes sense.  And if something doesn't...we can easily let it go.  Exhale it out. Because at the ocean...listening to the earth breathe we are reminded of our own breath and the glorious simplicity of life.  "Stuff" and chaos don't matter here.  What matters is that we are breathing.  We're breathing!  Which means we're here another day to take in this beautiful life and to love our family and friends.  That's what matters.  Love and grace.  Amazing how it can take me 42 years to realize why, for me, the beach is such a magical and spiritual place. the waters edge...where the ocean and I meet...while the white bubbles of the wave embrace my feet as I stare off into the endless peace of the ocean...we are breathing together.  The earth and I.  We are both happy simply to be here and are reminded of why we are here.  To love.

XO  Joy

Sunday, February 22, 2015

What Is Your Essence?

Image result for light

What is your essence?  What is the essence...the energy that you bring to people?  What feeling do they have when you leave their presence?  Think about it.  How do people feel when they're around you?  Do you bring anxiousness, frustration, anger, jealousy?  Do you bring negative energy?  Or are you loving, compassionate, empathetic, kind?  What is your essence?

Take some time to think about that today.  Whether you acknowledge it or not, you bring it.  That reality does not need your recognition of it.  It exists whether you believe in it or not.  You bring energy to those you come in contact with.  Every day.  Every moment.  Be responsible for that energy.  Be conscious of it. Be aware of it.  And if you find yourself predominantly bringing negative energy or having a stressful essence, that is a sign that you have some work to do.  Well...we ALL always have work to do.  But it is a sign that you are misaligned.  You've lost connection with your true self so in turn you're not bringing your true self to any and all situations.  So take a few deep breaths today and check in with yourself.  What is your essence?

XO  Joy

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Fiber Intake and Weight Loss

Image result for fiber foods nutritional

Another reason to get your daily fiber in!  A recent study showed that those who ate at least 30 grams of fiber a day lose more weight than those who eat less.  Another study found that 'plant based diets lead to weight loss'.  Now weight loss shouldn't be your sole reason for increasing fruits and's damn good motivator!  One thing to take note on is the 'plant based' phrase.  They didn't differentiate between vegan, vegetarian, ovo-lacto-vegetarian, etc.  because in those diets, you can still eat bad. Chips, cookies, and white stuff are vegetarian. So the focus was on a plant based diet.  Those of us in the nutrition (and health) field are constantly telling clients to increase their fiber intake.  And not just with whole grains.  It has to come from increasing fruits and vegetables as well. "Eat more fiber" doesn't sound sexy or exciting but if you know 'eating more fiber may kick-start my weight loss' that sounds exciting!  Of course there are so many benefits to eating more fiber than losing weight so don't get caught up on that. Results vary and it is dependent upon what you do with the rest of your eating habits and your activity level so don't take this new study and consider it a quick 'weight loss trick'.  It's not.  It's just confirming what we already know.  A high fiber diet leads to a healthier body and in more ways than one.  Here are just a few benefits to getting at least 30g/fiber a day in your diet:

  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Helps to maintain bowel health
  • Helps maintain blood sugar levels
  • Staves off hunger
  • Those who eat a high fiber diet have a 40% lower risk of heart disease
  • High fiber diet reduces the risk of kidney stones and gallstones
  • Helps maintain skin health
  • And much more...
Image result for fiber foods nutritional

All of these mentioned above are amazing but let's not forget the other benefits these functional foods offer like phytochemicals, antioxidants, and cancer-fighting properties.  So although the idea of losing weight while increasing fiber intake is a great one, try not to overlook the holistic benefits you obtain that go far beyond weight loss.  And remember when increasing your fiber intake, do so slowly and drink plenty of water to avoid irritation, gas, and bloating.
Eat up and enjoy!

XO   Joy

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Dietary Cholesterol Does NOT Raise Blood Cholesterol

Sources of dietary cholesterol

Yes, finally!  I've been telling clients for years that dietary cholesterol doesn't raise blood cholesterol. The data was already there to prove it but ever since eggs were deemed 'bad' because of their cholesterol content people have been afraid of cholesterol in foods.  Finally today, in several news outlets they're quoting RD's who are saying....
 "I have long recommended to my clients that the type of fat they eat is a much bigger issue to their blood cholesterol level than the amount of cholesterol they consume," registered dietitian Connie Diekman, director of university nutrition at Washington University in St. Louis.
I'm not sure why it's taken doctor's and RD's so long to change the Dietary Recommendations to reflect the role that dietary cholesterol plays in our blood cholesterol levels.  The first, basic, nutrition course I took towards my degree taught us this (that dietary cholesterol does not raise blood cholesterol).  It's saturated fat and trans fats that raise our LDL and cholesterol.  Those are the fats to eat sparingly and watch closely.  Those fats raise our blood cholesterol (and total cholesterol).
There are natural and nutritional ways to lower total cholesterol and should always be the first line of defense before pharmaceuticals (unless levels warrant immediate action).  But you can eat your eggs, shrimp, and lobster and enjoy them.  As with anything, never overindulge but enjoy knowing you're reaping the healthful benefits of those and not raising your cholesterol!
XO  Joy

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

A New "Dirty Dozen"....Food Additives

Image result for food additives

By now most of us have heard about the "Dirty Dozen" and the "Clean Fifteen".  If you haven't, it is a list of the 12 "dirtiest" foods that you should buy organic and 15 "clean" foods that are okay to skip organic.  The list was put out by the Environmental Working Group, EWG, a nonprofit research group.  They now have another list for us.  A 'Dirty Dozen' on food additives.

There are thousands of additives in our food system.  Some that have been cleared by the FDA but pose an inherent risk to our health.  The rapid rise in chronic disease and decline in public health makes it obvious that our food system (and what is allowed and deemed "safe") is clearly failing us. This is why eating clean whole foods free of pesticides and additives are best.  Organizations like EWG help us by making it easier to understand the worst offenders in certain categories.  Here's a list that they have deemed the worst additives:

  • nitrites and nitrates
  • potassium bromate
  • propyl paraben
  • butylated hydroxyanisole (BHT)
  • propyl gallate
  • theobromine
  • secret flavor ingredients
  • artificial colors
  • diacetyl
  • phosphate-based food additives (Watch List)
  • aluminum-based additives (Watch List)

This list is based on scientific studies of hundreds of additives.  Foods with these listed in their ingredients should be avoided or kept to a bare minimum at the least.  You have to be your own health advocate.  Value your body and be selective of what you put in it. For more on this topic you can visit

XO   Joy

Friday, February 6, 2015

A Prescription For Produce! Love It!!!!

If you eat like this, your heart and soul will sing! :)
I've been saying (and living) for years...nutrition is the best medicine.  Now, I'm not saying that there aren't times when Western medicine is needed because there absolutely are.  Especially in acute situations.  BUT in general, we need to go back to nature.  Nutrition is what feeds our bodies as well as our mind and souls.  If we don't eat properly then the triad suffers.  Not an isolated element of it. Nothing works in isolation.  NOTHING!  My first response to any health situation is to 1) assess the situation (what's happening on all levels and how is it manifesting in the body) and 2) what can we do nutritionally to alleviate the underlying issue.  Not treat the symptom.  Yes, this approach may take longer because it doesn't involve using potent fast acting drugs.  But it's not only better for your body, it heals your body and it treats the issue not the symptom.  Okay, enough of my rant.  The reason I'm writing this is because I think FINALLY medicine (and doctor's) are starting to believe this.  I think there's a movement or a shift happening where doctor's are going back to our roots and to nature to look for cures or natural nutritional ways to alleviate physical symptoms.  Here's why I say this, I read an article the other day in the Houston Chronicle.  They did a piece on a doctor who is doing just what I said above!  The title of the article was 'Doctor writes prescriptions for produce'.  How freaking awesome is that!!!  I love this guy!  In the article he is quoted saying, "As physicians, we perform surgery or prescribe medications to our patients to make them well," said Davis. "Why not also educate them on healthy eating, and make fresh fruits and vegetables readily available?".  And here's the best quote....

"I think a few other doctors have written prescriptions," continued Davis. "I would like to get more doctors writing the prescriptions. Hippocrates said, 'Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.' Produce is medicine. The vegetables and fruits are an alternative for use in treating diseases."

Did you see that where he said "produce is medicine"???? YES!!!!!! Finally a doctor saying something like this! Something like "this" that we in the holistic nutrition field have known for years.  And by the way, those 'prescription pads' he's referring to in his comment are prescription pads for produce!  Prescriptions for fruits and veggies!!! Words can't describe how awesome this is!!!  I just HAD to share it with you all!!

So the next time you're feeling a little under the weather, have a rash, feel exhausted, etc.  don't look for a pill to take.  Take a good look at your diet and lifestyle.  Change it from within.  Naturally.  And what will follow is a tidal wave of health, vitality, and awareness that you thought didn't exist.  I promise!

XO   Joy

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Kale Sprouts

Kale Sprout chips in the making :)

A delicious hybrid of Red Kale and Brussels sprouts.  Today I made kale sprout chips and they were delicious!  Just toss on a baking sheet, add olive oil, some sea salt and roast at 375 degrees for 20-25 minutes. That's it! They're a perfect low calorie snack packed with all kinds of goodness!! Here's just some of this super stars stats:
  • 1 1/2 cups only 45 calories
  • Boasts 4 grams of protein per serving
  • Loaded with vitamin K, vitamin C, calcium, and manganese
  • Major antioxidant
  • Anti-cancer properties

All this, not to mention the classic benefits you get from eating cruciferous vegetables plus purple foods (anthocyanins--support heart and eye health) and green veggies (phytochemicals and carotenoids).   So next time you're in the produce section, give 'em a try!

XO  Joy