Had a plan for a challenging yoga workout today. Yoga had a different plan for me. And isn't that what yoga is all about? Following your flow. Not having a plan. Going to where your resistance is...and settling there. I've had my worst bout of sciatica yet and my intuition knew a challenging yoga practice is not what I needed today. I started out with that intention but it quickly went somewhere else. Gentle, what felt like, guided stretching. Slow deep breathing which led to impromptu meditation followed by some Yogi tea and a few pages in A Course In Miracles all while sitting on my beautiful yoga mat. This yoga mat of mine has become a loyal friend. It challenges me, supports me, and no matter what energy and mood I bring to it, I leave it feeling uplifted and better than when I first rolled it out :) Yoga is SO much more than "stretching" or a "workout". Those who don't FEEL that are missing out on the essence of it. Listen to your intuition. Sometimes OUR plans are NOT the best thing for us. Stay connected. Listen. Feel. And you won't need a plan. You will just know what to do as experiences are presented to you. Have a bright and wonderful day!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
Lemon Water...Liquid Gold
Hot lemon water is all the rage now a days. It's touted for so many benefits, some anecdotal and some scientifically proven. I've loved lemons from an early age. I used to peel them and eat them like oranges! I believe you'll reap the benefits whether you prefer you fresh lemon juice in hot water or cold water. We tend to make things more difficult than they need to be at times. As long as you're drinking it...you're good!
A few months ago I started drinking fresh squeezed lemon in my water every day. I generally use the juice of one lemon. I also like to throw the half of lemon in my glass. That way I'm getting the benefits of the oil in the rind as well! The rind has its own health benefits like vitamins, minerals, and fiber. If using the rind or peel of any fruit always buy organic.
Although we consider a lemon 'acidic', in our body it has an alkalizing effect. Which is great! Most systemic inflammation and chronic issues come from a chronic acidic environment in our body. Nutrition (and stress reduction) is key to reducing systemic inflammation and encouraging an alkaline environment in our body. Below are some of the benefits to squeezing some lemon in your water on the daily, whether hot or cold!
- Detoxifies the body
- Promotes alkaline environment
- Enhances mineral absorption
- Helps ease stomach discomfort (especially right after a high-fat meal)
- Promotes clearer skin
Those are just a few! But with health benefits like that what's stopping you? So next time you get yourself a glass of water, go ahead and squeeze some liquid gold in it ;)
Your health will thank you!
XO Joy
Thursday, October 23, 2014
The Calm Before The Storm
Those who say they don't have time for some form of yoga, meditation, workout, or anytime to be alone to ground themselves are not understanding the importance of it. I used to be one of those...well, honestly...sometimes I still am one of those people. But I know how critical for my well-being it is so I make time. Even if it's 20 minutes. I make it a priority. Sometimes I have to get up well before the rest of my family to fit it in but I do. And when I'm regular with my yoga practice and meditation, the rest of my life, perceptions, and overall well-being feels it. I'm so much more grounded and can see things clearly. I'm more in touch with my intuitive feelings and ideas. Life and life's decisions aren't as much of a struggle because I know the answers.
This morning, I brought my yoga mat outside in my backyard to practice and meditate in the cool morning air. I could hear several kinds of birds, a frog, dogs in the background, and the rustling of the leaves as they fell off the two big trees in my yard. No music. Just nature's sounds. It was amazing! It just increased that connectedness feeling that yoga and meditation already grace you with. Of course, I had moments where my mind would wander to things like "I have 5 loads of laundry to fold", "I have to go to Trader Joe's for dinner and shuttle kids to practice and work", "Oh, Joy, and don't forget to put that bill in the mail". As I would catch myself thinking I would immediately take a breath and try to clear my mind. This one time though, I thought "I don't have time for this today. I gotta get going with my errands and chores". What came to me after was not only intriguing but absolutely what I needed to 'hear' in that moment.
There is always a 'calm' before a 'storm'. At first, the 'calm' was this moment of me on my yoga mat in the cool morning air and the 'storm' was the rush of my hectic day I know was awaiting me. So, I need this calm period before my storm starts. Then I realized...nature runs that way. I think it's a Universal law! There is always a calm before a storm. Literally in weather there is a calm before a storm. And how about when wild animals (or even a pet cat or dog) hunt their prey. They freeze, zone on their target, focus...and then frantically chase their prey. Calm before storm! Even a sneeze. Your breathing slows, body functions seem to suspend...right before...ACHOO!! Calm before storm.
There are many other example but this was pretty compelling to me. No matter how busy I feel I am, it is the law of Nature and the Universe to have a moment of calm before storm. That is how we will stay grounded during our storms of the day. Otherwise, we may experience turmoil and fly-off during our storm (which results in unhappiness, sickness, feelings of inadequacy...and the list goes on). Taking time for yourself in whatever way grounds you and keeps you connected to your spirit, higher self, intuition is critical. It's how you will be able to navigate yourself through this life and all the challenges being human brings with it, but still still have a sense of peace, happiness, and well-being. So please, find the time and make the time for yourself. Even if it's just 15 minutes a day.
XO Joy
This morning, I brought my yoga mat outside in my backyard to practice and meditate in the cool morning air. I could hear several kinds of birds, a frog, dogs in the background, and the rustling of the leaves as they fell off the two big trees in my yard. No music. Just nature's sounds. It was amazing! It just increased that connectedness feeling that yoga and meditation already grace you with. Of course, I had moments where my mind would wander to things like "I have 5 loads of laundry to fold", "I have to go to Trader Joe's for dinner and shuttle kids to practice and work", "Oh, Joy, and don't forget to put that bill in the mail". As I would catch myself thinking I would immediately take a breath and try to clear my mind. This one time though, I thought "I don't have time for this today. I gotta get going with my errands and chores". What came to me after was not only intriguing but absolutely what I needed to 'hear' in that moment.
There is always a 'calm' before a 'storm'. At first, the 'calm' was this moment of me on my yoga mat in the cool morning air and the 'storm' was the rush of my hectic day I know was awaiting me. So, I need this calm period before my storm starts. Then I realized...nature runs that way. I think it's a Universal law! There is always a calm before a storm. Literally in weather there is a calm before a storm. And how about when wild animals (or even a pet cat or dog) hunt their prey. They freeze, zone on their target, focus...and then frantically chase their prey. Calm before storm! Even a sneeze. Your breathing slows, body functions seem to suspend...right before...ACHOO!! Calm before storm.
There are many other example but this was pretty compelling to me. No matter how busy I feel I am, it is the law of Nature and the Universe to have a moment of calm before storm. That is how we will stay grounded during our storms of the day. Otherwise, we may experience turmoil and fly-off during our storm (which results in unhappiness, sickness, feelings of inadequacy...and the list goes on). Taking time for yourself in whatever way grounds you and keeps you connected to your spirit, higher self, intuition is critical. It's how you will be able to navigate yourself through this life and all the challenges being human brings with it, but still still have a sense of peace, happiness, and well-being. So please, find the time and make the time for yourself. Even if it's just 15 minutes a day.
XO Joy
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Balance in your life is critical to health, well-being, longevity, and happiness.
- This means work hard and play hard
- Be selfless and a little selfish
- Exercise and rest
- Eat well and a little "bad"
Not everyone's 'balance' will look the same. What balance looks like for me may be imbalance for you. The point is to find your balance with everything in your life. And I promise when you do...doors open, opportunities arise and you will achieve everything you desire.
XO Joy
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Perception Or Reality
This made me crack up! Good example of perception I thought ;) |
Sometimes it's hard to stay positive a midst what feels like so much negativity. I mean, we're bombarded with it on the daily!! In the news, magazines, newspaper, and the water-cooler gossip we hear every day. Besides Buddha, who wouldn't have trouble staying positive?! But we have to. It's an absolute necessity.
What we focus on grows. What we dwell on dwells within us. What we perceive becomes our reality. We have to be super selective and conscious of what we allow ourselves to be witness to as well as what we allow in our minds. Our mind is so powerful! What you allow to dwell or live in there is what your life will be. If you focus on negativity or problems then guess what you will attract more of? Problems and negativity! And when we're so busy focusing on our issues or problems we miss out on the subtle blessings that cross our path.
Would you allow a thief to dwell in your home? Of course not! Well that's no different than allowing negative thoughts and self-talk to dwell in your mind. Negativity will rob your life of joy and happiness. Don't let them in! I know it's easier said then done. But actually, only at first. It's only challenging AT FIRST to get out of the habit of thinking negative thoughts and being around negative people. Once you start replacing those thoughts immediately EVERY time, I promise you that will become your new habit. By 'that' I mean positivity. It's contagious! And who wouldn't rather be happy than grumpy and negative? Many years ago while reading, I came across a quote by Dr. Wayne Dyer that read "When you change the way you look at things...the things you look at change". That quote changed my life! It is the absolute truth.
Please try this, for the next 7 days, every time you have a negative thought immediately replace it with a positive one. For example, "My butt looks huge in these jeans"...replace with "I'm so grateful this body gets me to where I need to go". Every time, every day. And then I want to hear from you any change or shift you've noticed in yourself and your life. You can comment below or send me a private email at FusionWellness3@gmail.com
Life truly is about perception. There is no "reality" so why not perceive your life as abundantly happy, successful, and blessed?! You have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.
XO Joy
Friday, October 17, 2014
Never Stay In Your Comfort Zone
When you challenge yourself, it shows you where your weaknesses are. It brings light to the shadows where your work needs to begin. Never stay comfortable or content. Always look for ways to challenge yourself and try something "old" in a new way.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Don't BE someone else for somebody
Don't doubt your worth
Stop questioning if you have something to offer
You are unique
There is no one on this planet like YOU
Believe in yourself
Be YOU....because YOU are enough
XO Joy
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Gluten-Free Pumpkin Bread
Those who say gluten-free doesn't taste good are just wrong! Now, it does take some experimentation with the different flours there are to use. And some of the alternative flours are better for baking while others are better for cooking. You just have to practice and decide what works best for you. But I've found the balance for my baking. And just in time for the Holidays!! This homemade pumpkin spice gluten-free bread with cinnamon glaze is absolutely divine!! My family eats it so fast and my neighbors started requesting loaves. It's just perfect!! I've also figured out how to make my popular Peanut Butter Cup Cookies gluten-free as well. And you can't tell!! They're delish!! My daughter and I both have a sensitivity to gluten which is why I switched to gluten-free about a year ago. I'm so thankful there are so many flour options now in grocery stores. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't bake.
If you have a delish gluten-free recipe share it in the comment section below! And if you want my Gluten-Free Pumpkin Spice Bread recipe, email me (email is on my About Me and Membership Page)!
XO Joy
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Coconut In All Its Forms...And Its Benefits
Every time you turn around there is another touted benefit of coconut oil. Claims from curing Alzheimer's, lowering HDL, to weight loss. Some studies have shown a possible link between the first two claims...although, coconut oil can also raise LDL so there is a trade off. For this article I am going to focus on the latter claim, coconut oil and weight loss. Of course, like with many claims, more studies need to be done BUT some preliminary studies (as stated in an article on WebMD) show that coconut oil may help reduce waist size. Which is a good thing since that is a predominant complaint and issue of most Americans. After researching the topic and the results of several small studies, my opinion is that coconut oil does not help you lose weight in general but there is a connection between regular coconut oil consumption and smaller waist circumference. Science is so careful to never officially claim something as absolute truth but it is enough for me to be encouraged and continue using coconut oil. I could bore you with the long explanation as to why coconut oil consumption is associated with smaller waist size but I won't. Instead I will just say coconut oil is a MCT (medium chain triglyceride) that contains predominantly lauric acid (a saturated fat), no cholesterol, 117kcals and 13g/fat per Tablespoon. Medium chain triglycerides are thought to encourage thermogenesis or increase metabolism. Okay, so I probably did just bore you but I hate not backing up the 'why' I say something. The bottom line, for me, is that besides tasting delicious in all forms (coconut milk, coconut water, shredded coconut, etc.) coconut oil is a powerful antioxidant and great for the skin, hair, and body as a whole. I eat, drink, and use coconut in many forms as well as use coconut oil in cooking, baking, and even my shakes. You have to decide what you believe and as with everything, moderation is key. But for me...it is a daily staple in my house. Not to mention my go-to scent in candles and perfume! ;)
XO Joy
If you have any question or comments about this topic please comment! Or if you have any great recipes please share them! :)
Sunday, October 12, 2014
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This is what instantly makes me centered and catapults me into awareness. The beach is my sanctuary, my re-charging place, and my space where I feel closest to myself and God. What is your place?
Awareness. Without it you create drama and cannot appreciate all that is in your life. All that is right in front of you this very moment. Each blessing. Awareness is the root of everything and the beginning of consciousness. Be conscious in the moment and perceive life around you. That is awareness.
XO Joy
Friday, October 10, 2014
What do YOU want to talk about?
I'm not a fan of taking pictures but I know sometimes it's nice to 'see' who's behind all the writing |
I am so passionate about nutrition and health that sometimes I can get on my soapbox for a while. I write when I'm inspired or if there's a topic that I find interesting. But what do you find interesting? What questions do you have about nutrition, exercise, or health? I'm taking requests for post topics and I will respond to all comments and ideas! Thank you for reading my blog and joining me in this journey to health!
XO Joy
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Get Out Of Your Way
Are you going to see it? |
Sometimes we force things. We don't mean to. We think we're being proactive, a "go getter", responsible, or even helpful. And many times we are! But sometimes we are forcing something that isn't meant to be. It could be anything...a relationship, job, any opportunity. We get so stuck in our minds and busy lives we become on autopilot. We're so busy "making things happen" that we forget to 'ALLOW THINGS TO HAPPEN'. We have to allow the Universe to do its thing. It's okay for us to set an intention, put an action out there...but then we have to get out of the way and let what is meant to happen...happen. Not force something. If we stay in our heads and live in the place of "making things happen", we don't see what may have been set right in front of us. We discount or don't even notice blessings and opportunities that come our way because we didn't have a hand in them. It wasn't our vision. And those kind of opportunities are usually far greater and far more successful than anything we could ever dream of or create ourselves.
We need to slow down, breathe, stay present in each moment, and just be. That way, we don't miss out on subtle yet amazing opportunities that are put in our path. Of course it's okay to hustle, work hard, and strive towards goals. That is essential. But I'm saying don't lose sight of each moment, move out of your own way, so that way you can see the opportunities that are being placed in front of you. How do we get out of our own way? By staying grounded. And how do you stay grounded? Check in with yourself everyday through meditation or quiet time and be present in each moment (not thinking of tonight while working on something in front of you--say like while reading this ;) ). I know that's easier said than done but that doesn't make it any less critical.
So, do your thing (work hard, have goals and work towards them) but then be present, breathe, and take time each day to be with yourself, quietly (even if it's for 3 minutes!). This is the only way being fully present in each moment.
XO Joy
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
When's your danger zone?
My healthy sweet tooth craving |
Monday, October 6, 2014
Celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, gluten allergy...what does it all mean?
Beware of gluten...or not? |
Ten years ago if you asked someone what gluten was they would probably look at you with a blank stare. Today almost everyone has at least heard of the word gluten but a majority still do not understand what it is and why many people are avoiding it.
Gluten is a protein found in barley, wheat, and rye. For people with celiac disease, gluten is their worst enemy. It can cause bloating, diarrhea, and worst of all over time it damages the fine hairs (villi) of the small intestine that absorb nutrients. If someone with celiac disease continues to consume foods with gluten these fine hairs can no longer perform their function of absorbing vitamins and minerals. When this happens a host of nutritional deficiencies occur and increased risk of conditions like intestinal cancer and even osteoporosis. This should be taken seriously and if you think you have an allergy to gluten you should consult your doctor who can perform a blood test to find out. Although it seems common, celiac disease occurs in roughly 1 percent of the population. What is more common is gluten sensitivity. Symptoms of gluten sensitivity are similar to those of celiac (abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, constipation, exhaustion) but with a gluten sensitivity the small intestine is not damaged.
We see in the market today a plethora of ‘gluten-free’ products which is priceless to those with celiac disease and sensitivity. But unfortunately, some have been adopting a ‘gluten-free’ diet with the goal of weight loss. In my opinion, that is a bad idea. If you are not gluten sensitive or have celiac and you choose to eat a gluten-free diet you are eliminating a wide variety of foods that include precious grains containing vital nutrients like zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, B vitamins, and fiber (to name a few!). Gluten is what makes the foods we eat appealing, like the chewiness of pizza dough and breads to the thick sauces and gravies we enjoy. So for those that need to eat a gluten free diet, you have to read labels of everything- gluten is even in some candy and soy sauce. When replacing gluten, some manufacturers do so by replacing it with fats and sugars. So adopting a ‘gluten-free’ diet (when not medically necessary) may not be the answer and may increase your risk of health problems. The reason many feel that it is a good diet option is because in general, those on a gluten-free diet eat more whole foods (fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, etc.) and therefore lose weight quickly in the beginning. You can lose that same weight by adopting the habit of eating primarily whole foods and minimally processed foods. It will cost you considerably less than buying gluten-free products but you will enjoy the benefit of healthy lasting weight loss! To reiterate what I said before, if you are gluten sensitive or have celiac then absolutely avoiding gluten is essential.
In general, don’t fall prey to weight loss gimmicks or fad diets. We need to listen to our bodies and be our own advocate. No one will fight harder for you than you!
Feel free to email me with any questions you may have about what contains gluten and what doesn't. Or you can post your question right here!
XO Joy
Sunday, October 5, 2014
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We are all supposed to shine bright! One light cannot dim another. |
What is self-doubt? Besides annoying! I mean...where does it come from? Where does it originate? What is its purpose? Those questions, I cannot answer. But I can tell you where it DOESN'T come from. It doesn't come from your spirit, your soul, your authentic self. It doesn't come from God or the Universe. Nope. Those tell us how amazing, unique, and irreplaceable we are. Those remind us that we come from love which means we are love. And from love...only amazing things happen! I think self-doubt may come from our ego. Which is the same as our insecurities, unworthiness feelings, feelings of not being good enough. The ego is not the TRUTH. Don't listen to it. Listen to your heart, your spirit, your soul, and Universal LOVE. You are wonderful. You can accomplish that goal or that dream you don't tell anyone about (because you think you're not worthy of achieving it). Yes you are! And yes you can! We are ALL here to succeed and love. We are all bright stars and your shine cannot dim someone else's. We are all supposed to be wonderful! So stop listening to your ego. He's not your friend. Listen to your subtle quiet voice. The one you can only hear when you quiet your mind. THAT voice is your friend. The one that loves you, encourages you, and guides you. I KNOW that you ARE good enough, worthy enough, talented enough, and unique enough to achieve your inner most secret dreams. Please believe that. Today take a chance on yourself. Take one step towards your dream or goal that you had given up on.
XO Joy
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Why does worry rear its ugly head at night?
Is it morning already?! |
What you refuse to face in daylight...will resurface in the night. Do you ever wonder why people have so much trouble sleeping? Whether it's falling asleep, staying asleep, or getting a good nights sleep? It is because the night is still. In the night, there is no noise, no distraction, no external and internal chatter. The only voice you hear is your own. And it will list for you the stresses, worries, and problems you have in your waking hours that you ignore, shove down, or block. This never works. This is not a way of dealing with your issues or struggles. All it does it make them worse because now...you can't sleep! If you suffer from anxiety and/or a lot of stress, take a few moments each day to write down the top 3 things you are worried about and then an action you can take to correct or relieve some of your worries about that issue. If it is something that is truly out of your control what you can do is pray. Pray about it or who ever it involves and then let it go. If you put things down on paper and an action plan on how you can tackle them it takes the power away from your anxiety. And then it won't surface at night when you need to sleep and re-charge your body/spirit/mind. Of course there are other contributors to trouble sleeping (hormonal imbalance, sleep apnea, etc.) but stress/anxiety is one of the major causes of trouble sleeping. Just try what I am suggesting for a couple weeks. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
XO Joy
Friday, October 3, 2014
Yes!! Chocolate daily IS good for your health!
Handful of dark chocolate chips a day keeps the doctor away ;) |
In Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter there was a study that found those that ate chocolate regularly may be thinner than those who do not. What?! Sign me up! Well...I already eat it everyday ;). Anyway, in this study they had over 900 adults who consumed chocolate at different frequencies but who had similar BMI’s and exercise routines. They found that those who ate chocolate more frequently had lower BMI’s than those who ate it less often (even though the exercise was similar and the higher chocolate eaters ended up eating more calories overall because of the chocolate consumption). Frequency was the key, so it would not work to eat 5 days’ worth of chocolate in one day and reap the same benefits-although that would be easy to do! They are careful to say that they cannot definitively prove a cause and effect but it is enough (for me) to continue enjoying my daily chocolate! The study did not determine how much a day was eaten or what kind of chocolate was consumed but we do know for sure that the darker the better for you. White chocolate…well, really isn't chocolate and contains no antioxidants. Milk chocolate is much higher sugar and fat and has significantly less flavonoid content than dark chocolate. 1oz a day of dark chocolate is a healthy addition to your diet. Dark chocolate, 70% cocoa or higher, is loaded with antioxidant power that has been linked to cardiovascular protection, improvements in blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and insulin sensitivity. Dark chocolate is one of those things I have never been willing to give up. Whether it's a handful of my favorite dark chocolate sea salt almonds from Trader Joe's or a chunk of chocolate, everyday I have some. So if chocolate is something you love and have been sacrificing in the name of health, don’t sacrifice it anymore! Enjoy a small amount (~1oz/day) several days a week and your health will thank you.
XO Joy
Thursday, October 2, 2014
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When you are right with yourself, the world is right with you XO Joy |
Do you want more understanding in your life?
Then be more understanding to those around you.
Do you want to see more compassion and acceptance?
Then show more compassion and acceptance.
Do you want inspiration in your life?
Then inspire someone.
We have to be the change we want to see in our lives. Just wanting and complaining will not bring about change. It doesn't work that way. You have to give in order to receive. But...the giving has to come from an authentic place. Meaning you can't give (whatever it may be--a smile, compassion, understanding, monetary, love, etc) with the only intent to receive something back. It doesn't work that way either. You know when you are giving from an authentic place because you realize the giving is a much greater gift than receiving. I tend to make this sound simplistic...but it kind of is. It is a choice. You may have to start out making a conscious effort to do this but after a while it will flow naturally out of you and you start to look at life and those around you differently. So the next time you find yourself wishing for some kind of change in your life, immediately look around you and see how you can be that change you are wanting. It may not happen the next day but I promise if give what you want more of in your life you will start to see it manifest in your own life.
XO Joy
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