Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Foods that naturally burn fat. I promise!

Many people take "fat burner" supplements to aid in weight loss.  I am a firm believer in doing things as natural as possible, besides the fact that "fat burners" work directly on your CNS and can be dangerous for some (especially those with heart issues). But did you know there are foods that have been shown to have a higher thermogenic effect (higher amount of energy needed to metabolize certain foods)and have the same effect as those "fat burners"?  But it's natural and safe!  Here's a short list below:
EAT WHOLE FOODS--> your body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole foods than processed foods
Image result for spicy peppers  SPICY PEPPERS-->it's the capsaicin in pepper's that rev up your metabolism and heart rate.  If you eat a really spicy meal, your metabolism can increase up to 25% for the following 2-3 hours!

FIBER--> fiber fills you up and absorbs 'gunk' sitting in your digestive tract like sugar, fats, and carbohydrates

Image result for lean protein  LEAN PROTEIN-->your body burns roughly 30% of the sources calories just breaking it down and digesting it!  That means if you eat a 300 calorie serving of chicken, you burn 90 of those calories just by breaking it down into digestible parts.  Score!
Image result for green tea Green Tea-->EGCG in green tea is a natural stimulant, it boosts your metabolism and encourages stored fat to be released.  Daily amount is roughly 3 cups a day.  
 FISH-->omega-3 in some fish (salmon, tuna, sardines) is said to affect leptin levels (a hormone that influences satiety and metabolism).
As a side note, some studies have shown a link between a deficiency in calcium and fat storage (it has to do with the release of a hormone, (calcitriol).  The important part to remember is that adequate calcium intake may help with weight loss by helping you burn fat more efficiently.

I believe nutrition is the cornerstone to health and I love finding new ways to help us reach our goals.  Have a question?  Ask it here! Not sure on what foods to eat now that you have this information?  Let me know.  I can post some delicious recipes and shopping lists to make your life easier ;)
XO  Joy

Monday, September 29, 2014



If you haven't tried leeks...they are a MUST try! They have a mild yet full body almost nutty taste to them. I eat them raw in my salads, saute w/olive oil, garlic, onion, panchetta and then put them over whole wheat pasta. I've also put them in soup. They are great because the taste isn't overwhelming so they can be added to all kinds of dishes. The best part is 1 cup has only 54 calories and contains fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, folate, vitamin A, K, C, B6, and flavonoids (powerful antioxidants) Super healthy!  So the next time you're in the produce section at the grocery store grab some!
XO  Joy

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Health Benefits Of Tea

If you don't drink tea, you are missing out on some major benefits. I didn't used to like it but because I knew how good it was for my health I made myself drink it. And now I love it! Like many things, it may be an acquired taste. But there are so many varieties (black, green, red, white, herbal) you are bound to find one you like. If you have to sweeten it then I recommend doing so with honey as opposed to sugar. With honey you are getting even more health benefits than table sugar. Regardless of the variety, all teas have amazing health benefits in varying amounts. Below is a list of what health pop you'll get no matter what color or how you take it.  If these aren't enough to persuade you to try consuming tea...I'm not sure what will! 

  • Packed with polyphenols
  • Contains antioxidants (which reduce risk of some cancers, reduce signs of aging,     inflammation, and the list goes on!)
  • Increase mental altertness withought affecting the CNS so no jitters
  • May lower LDL cholesterol
  • Contains ECGC which studies show may increase metabolism
  • Some contain vitamins
  • Herbal tea's can help with everything from anxiety to an upset stomach
  • May help with bad breath (certain antioxidants inhibit the plaque build up which causes bad breath)
  • Many many more health benefits but too numerous to list 

Like with most foods, less processed is better. They still contain these properties but with lower concentrations. So avoid the 'flavored' or highly processed teas.
XO Joy

Monday, September 22, 2014

Remedy For Hangovers!

I need coffee stat this morning!

Okay so...no one is perfect.  I enjoyed family and lots of laughs last night.  I intended to have one glass of wine....two glasses later I was done.  My system is so sensitive to things!  This morning I woke up feeling hung over from 2 glasses of wine!  That can't be normal.  Is it?  Anyway, started my day at 6 a.m. feeling annoyed because of it.  But after doing a few nutrition tweaks to help lessen or get over a hangover quicker, three hours later I'm fine!  Thought I'd share them with you.  Unless you way over do it this works for me every time!  

  • Good 'ol work out sweat session (30 minutes is all you need!)
  • Eggs (packed with cysteine which may help clear toxins from the effects of alcohol)
  • Water with fresh squeezed lemon juice (antioxidant powerhouse) 
  • LOTS AND LOTS of water
  • Multivitamin with 100% B vitamins (a major portion of the 'hangover' feeling and headache is from dehydration and the major loss of B vitamins due to the dehydration
  • Coffee (that's just for me ;) )--although...coffee is a major antioxidant and may help in that respect and it dilates the blood vessels which may help reduce headache symptoms
  • Then green tea (packed with antioxidants)
Let me know if you have any tricks to getting over that foggy feeling after one too many libations. ;)

XO   Joy

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Walk Away

Sometimes the best thing you can do is to walk away.  That is not giving up.  That is choosing yourself over drama. That is choosing your happiness over heartache.  Yes, sometimes walking away does involve heartache.  But somehow...it is a little more tolerable because you chose it.  It is not quitting.  It is choosing to put your energy where it is productive, valued, and appreciated.  Sometimes...someone can become toxic, and they usually don't realize it, so you have to walk away.  Choose you.  Choose happiness.  Surround yourself with those that appreciate, value, and love you.  Everyone else....walk away from.  Not meanly, not angrily, not defensively, and maybe not forever.  Just walk away and put your energy where love can make it grow.
XO  Joy

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Best guilty pleasure!

tjalmondsimages (1)
Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Almonds 

These are the best treat ever!  And the fact that they are almonds and dark chocolate mean you don't even have to feel guilty about it!  Unless you eat half the container in one sitting that is ;).  These are definitely a MUST try!
Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Covered Almonds
XO  Joy

Friday, September 19, 2014

Garbanzo Beans!

Beans are major nutritional powerhouses! I try to use them as much as I can several times a week. I know...they give gas BUT the more your body adapts to a higher fiber intake (which should be at least 25g/day) the less discomfort you will have. Anyway, garbanzo beans are not only one of my most favorite beans but it's one of the most powerhousey of the powerhouses ! One of my favorite ways to eat them is over a salad for lunch or in a bean salad. Of course, I absolutely love a good humus made from them too. Here's their nutritional stats:
1/2 cup is 134 calories, a whopping 7 grams of protein, 6 grams of fiber, and a substantial amount of calcium, magnesium, folate, iron, copper, potassium, selenium, and they also contain zinc, vitamin C, and small amount of vitamin A. See why they are a star among powerhouse beans?! If you haven't tried them you must! They are mild in flavor and so they take on what you use with them. Some people don't like the fibrous texture. I do because a mushy bean is not my ideal. Let me know if you have an awesome bean salad recipe! I'm on the hunt for one. :)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Vulnerability IS true strength

Vulnerability is true strength.  Acting 'tough' is not strength.  To allow yourself to be truly vulnerable is the ultimate display of strength.  Why?  Because it shows that no matter what happens or how it ends...you trust yourself to stand strong and not waiver. You trust that YOU can handle anything no matter what.  Even if 'it' doesn't turn out how you desired  (love being reciprocated, a job, acceptance, etc.).  You know that you can handle any outcome or disappointment.  And spiritual growth happens with vulnerability.  It's not until you allow yourself to be vulnerable that you witness your true strength. When you're vulnerable you stand strong in your center...your soul.  And that my friends, is one of the absolute most beautiful power on the planet!
XO  Joy

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bomb Diggity Breakfast Shake!

Awesome breakfast!

Every morning I start my day with this shake. It fills me up for 3 hours and is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants! Roughly 250 calories and 20 grams of protein. Of course you can make yours with veggies and fruit that you prefer. I love to use kale, spinach, banana, mango, pineapple, almond milk and soy protein powder. I do mix it up with berries and pear on some days.  Lately I've been obsessed with frozen sweet potatoes and peaches!  Try starting your day with a shake like this. I promise you will feel the difference after a few days. And it's a great way to get in 3-4 servings (7-9 servings/day is the recommendation) of fruit/veggies in one meal. Have a great protein shake recipe? Share it with us here!
XO Joy

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Eating for younger healthier skin. It's real!

These colors aren't just beautiful to look at.  Each pigment has amazing healing properties for your body and skin!
During times of stress my skin shows it.  I break out, I feel like my skin looks dull, and under my eyes look grey.  I hate it!  I do eat pretty healthy regularly BUT when I go through a period of time where I'm under an abnormal amount of stress I eat foods that are specifically great for the skin (because that's where stress shows for me).  I cannot tell you how vital eating well is for your skin (well...and your body)!  Here's a quick breakdown:
Consuming vitamin A helps to protect the skin against sun damage, EFA’s (like Omega-3) help to maintain cell membrane integrity which means younger and plumper looking skin, and antioxidants fight against free radicals which have been shown to speed the aging process.  There are too many foods to list that have these vitamins and minerals but I will name some of the more well-known and easy to find foods:
Vitamin A sources- dark leafy greens, deep yellow/orange vegetables, and dairy.
EFA’s- nuts, seeds, fish, vegetable oils (flaxseed, canola, and soybean)
Antioxidants- think deep red/purple fruits, green,black, red, and white tea, red wine and dark chocolate (at least 70%)-the last two are my favorite!!
XO  Joy

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Pay Attention.....

A polluted mind leads to a polluted body.  What is a polluted mind?  One that is filled with negative self-talk, criticism, negativity, doubt, and defensiveness.  The mind and body are intricately and undeniably connected.  You can work as hard as you want on your body, but if your mind is polluted so will be your body.
XO  Joy

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Staying 'Active'. What does that really mean?

We are bombarded with messages that tell us to be active in order to stay healthy.  While that is true, as a society we tend to make it sound and look more difficult than it actually is.  When speaking in terms of keeping our mind and body fluid, strong, and healthy (as opposed to trying to lose weight) the amount and kind of activity our body requires for that is much less than you may think.
It is a fact that regular physical activity decreases risk factors for many diseases like CVD, obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, depression, and hypertension as well as lowering LDL, and increasing HDL.  Being active keeps your heart and lungs strong, helps your muscles and even vascular system maintain its flexibility, improves posture, and increases ones balance control (which is crucial as we age).  However, unless your desire is to lose weight, you don’t have to work out an hour a day to the point of exhaustion in order to reap these benefits.  The types of activities I am talking about to simply “maintain health” would be brisk walking for 20 minutes/day, any activity or sport you enjoy for fun, Yoga, Tai chi, Pilates, etc.  Also just finding ways to sneak in extra exercise or steps like parking towards the end of the parking lot as opposed to finding the closest spot, taking the stairs, etc.  Just find ways to be a little more active.  Some people find a pedometer helpful and even a little fun.  Pedometers keep track of how many steps you take a day. Experts say that to lose weight 10,000 steps a day is a good base.  When trying to 'stay active' for health the guideline is 5,000-9,000 steps a day.  This range takes into account healthy adults and the elderly (whose goal or need may be on the lower end of the scale).  Pedometer can be a great way to monitor your activity and even motivate yourself!  It's never wise to start a rigorous workout regimen before consulting your doctor but simply adding in more activity or walking into your day is not only safe but is extremely beneficial to your health and your mind.  Regardless of your activity level, be sure you drink enough water and eat healthy.  Good nutrition is the fuel that allows your body to do what you ask of it.  Take care of your body and it will take care of you!
XO  Joy

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Greek yogurt heaven!!

The Holidays have arrived!  This Chobani pumpkin spice greek yogurt is the bomb!! It is so creamy and delicious I was sad when it was empty. Packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals it's a perfect mid-afternoon snack that tastes like a treat!
XO  Joy

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

You are able to create change!

Yes you are! Now go out there and make it a great day! How many random acts of kindess can you do today?

Prebiotics...Probiotics. What's the difference?

Probiotics have become main stream although many of us don’t really understand what they are or what they do.  Our GI tract naturally contains over 400 different species of bacteria.  These microorganisms or “good bacteria” are beneficial to our health and help fight off and neutralize “bad” bacteria in the digestive tract.  Several factors upset the balance of good/bad bacteria in the GI tract: antibiotics, stress, poor diet, etc.
Probiotics are similar to the “good” bacteria naturally occurring in our gut and are found in foods like yogurt (and supplements).  So by consuming enough in your diet or taking a supplement of probiotics, you are boosting the count of good bacteria in your gut therefore increasing intestinal health.  Prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that are essentially “food” for probiotics (in our gut) that help encourage their growth.  Prebiotics are naturally found in whole grains, bananas, onions, garlic, and honey.  You can also purchase dietary supplements of prebiotics.  Probiotics have been shown to be beneficial by helping to alleviate diarrhea, constipation, IBS, enhance immune function, ulcers, and some research has even shown it may help protect against colon cancer.  Preliminary research shows that probiotics have been known  to help in not only eliminating some digestive conditions but appears to help in the overall health of the digestive tract.
Probiotics can be a valuable addition to your diet but  if you are considering taking them, be sure to check with your doctor and tell him/her if you are taking any other medications as well.
XO  Joy
Great chart I found that helps give a visual on the benefits of pre/probiotics

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Metabolism boosters

We all try to find ways (in addition to exercise) to lose or maintain weight.  Good nutrition is a vital component to weight loss and overall health.  There are things nutritionally you can do, little tweaks, to help encourage weight loss beyond just exercise.  One way is to eat  foods that help encourage the breakdown of fat or discourage the formation of it all together.   Also, eating foods that make your body 'work' for one reason or another helps to boost your metabolism.  And one last component is eating and eating frequently.  I don't mean 5-6 big meals a day.  I'm talking eat every 3-4 hours roughly 150-250 calories.  And ideally your largest meal is breakfast or lunch (with largest meal coming in at around 400-450 calories).  Each food listed below in their own way helps to speed up your metabolism.  Independently, it may not be a substantial amount but collectively they can have a significant impact on your metabolism. Here are some of the most common nutritional metabolism boosters and their etiology:
Grapefruit; keeps blood sugar stable by using insulin     more efficiently
Tuna; packed w/Omega-3 FA’s which stimulates the production of Leptin (the ‘fullness’ hormone)
Hot pepper; the chemical capsaicin speeds up metabolism by as much as 25% for up to 3 hours
Green Tea; a compound found in green tea stimulates the nervous system therefore increasing metabolism
Whole Grain; requires more energy by the body to digest so you burn more calories and stay full longer
Combine all of these tips I've just given you in conjunction with being active and I promise you, you will see and feel the difference!
XO  Joy

Monday, September 8, 2014

Whole Grain, 100% Whole grain, Enriched. What's the difference?

What does ‘whole grain’ mean and how do you know if that’s truly what you’re buying?  To be called “whole grain” the product must contain all essential parts of the natural grain seed-the germ, bran, and endosperm.  Most grains people consume have been refined-meaning they have been stripped of the bran and germ (which contain iron, B vitamins and fiber) during processing.  So to replace these, the product is ‘enriched’-this process replaces some of the B vitamins and iron that were lost).  But to ensure that you are buying ‘whole grain’ you must read the label.  Avoid anything that says enriched and look for the “100% Whole Grain” stamp.  This certifies (from the Whole Grains Council) that the product contains at least 16 grams of whole grains per serving.  Not all food packagers participate in this stamp program so just be sure to look for ‘100% Whole Grain’ or ‘100% Whole Wheat’ on the label/package.  Whole natural foods are best.
XO Joy
The Basic Stamp and 100% Stamp

Monday, September 1, 2014

Where is your Joy?

Joy.  It comes from within.  That may sound cliche but it's true.  You can't buy it (as many people unsuccessfully try to do with shopping).  You can't 'wish' it in your life.  You can't depend on someone else to bring it to you.  YOU are responsible for your joy.  It is a choice.  You have to choose to see joy in everything around you and in what comes to you.  Life is a blessing!  If you're reading this...you're alive a breathing.  What a JOY!  You were blessed enough to wake up this morning.  Be joyful!!  Money may be tight and we may live paycheck to paycheck.  But do you have food on the table?  A roof over your head?  In the end are you making it?  Then be JOYOUS!  Many don't have a roof over their head or food on the table.  Do you see what I mean by joy is a choice?  It is!  It's easy to be joyful when great things happen to you.  But to be joyful just because you're alive and well....that's a sign of your character and true spirit.  Don't let life or life's struggles smother that joy out of your spirit.  Find it!  Ignite it!  You're alive.   What a reason to be joyful!!  I promise once you make a conscious effort to find joy each and every day in your life, it will become automatic.  And soon you WILL be joyful and feel joyous for not only the obvious things but for things you used to consider mundane or took for granted.  Your spirit will soar with joy!!
Have a blessed and joyous day  <3
XO  Joy